Friday, May 20, 2011

Camera shyness

I'm trying to get people willing to appear on-camera briefly to talk about how they imagine/understand/picture Jerusalem and the people who live there.

But most of the people I have asked don't want to appear on-camera--mainly because, they say, they don't know anything about Jerusalem.

So I'm putting out an all-points bulletin; I need help. If you know anyone who would be willing to talk on-camera about Jerusalem for 60 seconds or so (and, importantly, have never been to Jerusalem themselves), please refer them to me or give me their contact info. We can do it on or near campus just about any weekday.

I'm even contemplating bribing... er, compensating people with food.


  1. I will tell my friends. I know a few who are out of swipes and would love a free meal. Also, if you want to film me, I would be willing.

  2. Great idea Joseph. how many people do you need? I can try to find some people for you

  3. Nice idea Joseph. I can imagine why some people do not want to be on camera. But I can find you different people/students who have not been to Jerusalem, whether Americans or Arabs.

  4. I hope that coming to our booth helped !!!!???

  5. Thanks, everyone.

    I'm punting on the idea of doing on-camera interviews. I was leaning too heavily on the "multimedia" aspect, and am concentrating on the content instead of the way it's presented.

    In other words, time for Plan B!
